Friday, October 23, 2009

Four Season

I learned about Vivaldi today. He was a violinist from Italy in the 17th century. I listened to his famous "Four Seasons" and wrote what I felt, saw, heard and tasted.

I see the white blanket on the ground,
I feel the cold sharp air on my tongue and the white wet snowflakes,
I hear stillness around me for the animals have fled so will I, go back to my den and I feel calm and happy.

I see the bunnies eating the fresh vegetable,
I feel the new pansies on my legs,
I hear ‘tweet tweet’ and ‘thump thump’ as life begins again
And I taste the cool, moist air.

I see the water, the bathing suits,
I feel the water, splash, splash, splashing on my face
I taste the hot, sticky air
I hear people laughing and screaming

Cool, moist air lies on my tongue,
I see the red, yellow and orange leaves on the trees.
I hear the wind ‘whoosh whoosh’.
I feel the leaves falling on me.
